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StoryBrand Principle #2: If you stop talking about our customer’s problems, they stop paying attention to your brand.
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Podcast Transcription from Marketing with Mitch: Your Client Has Problems… be Talking About It
Hey, guys, just around the corner on September 20th and 21st there’s going to be a live StoryBrand marketing workshop. I say live, it’s going to be a live stream. Okay, it’s going to be over the internet. We’re going to be on zoom doing two days of absolute genius marketing work on your stuff. So, why does this work? Well? First of all, you have two committed days to work on your stuff, which I promise you probably haven’t done in a very long time. It forces you to put those days aside, to work on your marketing.
In the live stream, the StoryBrand livestream, you’re going to get every single-piece that you need to create a clear marketing message and sales funnel all in two days. Now, it’s just under $1000 guys, that’s what the price is, and if you will go to spell, just like you see in the podcast notes and things click register. It’s going to take you to the register page. That’s where you register, okay? Go do it, you’re going to get man, you’re just going to totally, totally rock your marketing if you go to do this. So if you want to rock your marketing, go do it! If you don’t you’re going to pick the wrong line. So sorry.
Hi everybody! This is Mitch Alverson and I’m delighted that you’ve joined me for this episode of marketing with Mitch, where I helped you solve your biggest marketing problems.
I’m a StoryBrand, certified guide and a master Blackbelt in Six Sigma. I’ve been working in sales and marketing for a long time now, for fortune 500 companies and startups.
I believe you got into business to do what you love, not mess around with messaging and websites. That’s why I’m here bringing ideas and information that can help you stop struggling with marketing and gain peace of mind. Let’s get right to the episode.
Hey guys, Mitch here. Today we’re talking about your customers’ problems. That’s right, problems, problems, problems. They have all kinds of problems and you have solutions. Your products and services are the solutions to their problem. So, yesterday we talked about what it is that they want. Well, how do we figure out what their problems are? Well, you simply ask the question: what is it that’s keeping them from getting what they want?
Okay, so you know, if we talked about yesterday, we talked about an electrician or plumber, well, what’s keeping them from getting a great plumber right? If what they want is their toilet to work, well, maybe what they don’t know is how to fix it right. So hey, plumbing, we know you want to be a responsible homeowner and in order to do that you need your plumbing to be working great. The problem is you don’t know the first thing about fixing your plumbing. That’s their problem, okay.
So you’ve got to figure out what problem you solve for your customers and clients. And here’s the other thing: sometimes people are afraid to talk about those problems, and that’s where you really can make a mistake.
You should be talking about the problems, because without the problem there is no story. There is nothing, nothing is interesting right? So, you have to be talking about their problems now. You can overdo it, you absolutely can overdo it, but, but if you’re not talking about them at all, then you’re really making a mistake.
If you’re not, if your salespeople, if your marketing people are not talking about your customers and client’s problems, then, you’re probably wasting a lot of money on your messaging. That’s how we started this way back on Monday, as we talked about why you’re wasting your marketing dollars, and so this is another reason is that you have to identify what their problems are and then you have to go and talk about those problems now.
How do you take it to the next level? Well, usually a client will have three levels. Not usually, always a client will have three levels of problems: that external problem, the thing that’s keeping them from getting what they want. That’s a big problem, but the internal problem is how that is making them feel. So, if I want to be a responsible, you know, smart home owner and I don’t know the first thing about plumbing, that’s my problem. Well, how is that making me feel?
Well, It’s probably making me feel, maybe, frustrated. It’s also making me feel like I’m maybe less than because I don’t know how to do it. Maybe, maybe my wife’s dad was a super handy man that could fix anything, and I can’t and so I feel less than because of that. You have to understand what their internal problem is and the way you do that is, you figure out what’s keeping them from getting what they want and then asking: well, how does that make them feel?
And then the last thing that you need to be talking about is the philosophical problem, and what that is is that’s the “the should” or “the ought not” or that “they deserve”, and that’s where we would say: you know, we believe you deserve to have you know, all of your your plumbing in your house should work, right? That’s a philosophical statement and you know it’s philosophical because there are people around the world that don’t have plumbing so philosophically. We should. We say: you know you deserve to have plumbing that works and that’s a philosophical statement.
So if you, if you are not currently talking about your client’s problems, you need to start because you have a solution for that, and so how you get to that is, you talk about their problems. They have that external problem, the internal problem and the philosophical problem. So start talking about those problems. Adios.