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Hey There! We’re pivoting to Marketing with Mitch. In today’s episode, we talk about how Story is a Sense-Making Device, and that you should be using it in your marketing. Here are some practical ways you can improve your marketing right away:

  1. Go to and get a free account to create your BrandScript.
  2. Register for the upcoming StoryBrand Livestream Marketing Workshop
  3. Get access to Business Made Simple where you can take some of the best business courses in the world. It includes courses on Marketing, Messaging, and Communication… plus so much more.
  4. Get coaching from me! I’d love to help you one-on-one with your Messaging, Marketing, and Website. Email me at

See you tomorrow.

Podcast Transcription from Marketing with Mitch: How to Make Sense to Your Prospective Clients

Hi, everybody, this is Mitch Alverson, and I’m delighted that you joined me for this episode of marketing with Mitch, where I help you solve your biggest marketing problems. I’m a StoryBrand certified guide and a Master Blackbelt in Six Sigma. I’ve been working in sales and marketing for a long time now, for fortune 500 companies and startups.

I believe you got into business to do what you love, not mess around with messaging and websites. That’s why I’m here bringing ideas and information that can help you stop struggling with marketing and gain peace of mind. Let’s get right to the episode.

Hey guys, Mitch here! So we left off yesterday talking about how a story is a sense making device and it couldn’t be further from the truth. So, people have been using a story and a story sort of framework since the beginning of time to communicate with people. To, you know, get a point across. If you look at the Bible, I mean Jesus taught in parables or stories almost every single time he wanted to get a point across to, you know, the disciples. He used a story, and so most stories, right?

If you’ve studied story or remember journalism or you know from college or high school, you’ve probably heard of the hero’s journey. But, what I’m going to talk about today is, you know, loosely based on the hero’s journey, but it’s the StoryBrand messaging framework is a seven-part framework and simply it’s this character with a problem meets a guide who gives them a plan that calls them to action that results in success or failure. And if you think about any of the great-great movies that you’ve watched and loved, they all kind of follow this formula. So it’s these, you know, these seven sort of pieces of the story. You know you have a character who wants something, they have to want something right and they usually run into a problem very early on in the movie or the story, and usually if they don’t run into that problem early on, then it’s not a good story, it’s not a good movie and sometimes you’ll notice that right. You’ll notice the movie. They’re like something was missing from this pretty early. You can see this is not going to be that great if they don’t get to the problem quickly. Stories just kind of fall apart. But you have a character with a problem who usually meets a guy, right? So now think about Yoda or Bone Kenobi for Luke Skywalker, those guys were the guide, Luke was now the character with a problem right, Rocky had, gosh! What’s the guy’s name? You know he’s got his guide there to help him, guide him hopefully to success right. Both of those movies were great.

You know where Luke wins the day, Rocky, you know, ends up in the end beating. You know, you name it clever laying. Now, go on and on right. So, this framework, a character with a problem meets a guide who calls them to action. And so it’s the thing about those movies. You know it’s Luke used the force, that was the call to action and they taught him how to use the force, right? I remember I think it was rocky, two or three, rocky three, where he’s going to fight and he’s got all this fancy equipment and the fancy and it doesn’t work right. And the call to action when, after he gets beat like beaten, really bad, the call to action was to move him away from all that glitz and glamour and train, get back to his roots and train, you know, chasing the chicken around and all that stuff right. That was the call to action.

So, a character with a problem meets a guide that calls them to action. That results in success or failure. Right. So we’ve got success, you know again where the character wins the day. But we also have tragedies and that’s where failure comes in. And so if we call them to action and they and they do what we do, what they say, they follow the guide, then you know success in winning the day and is all in the store. But if they don’t then now we have a tragedy on our hands. And so what I want us to do, what I want you to do, is take this framework, this story framework, the StoryBrand messaging, seven-part framework, and use that to create a story, to invite your clients and customers into a story that really is their story. So many times we make the mistake of wanting to tell our story and we can tell our story, but we should do it in a way, we’re the character or our client right, our customer, we’re really telling their story and how we can play the guide, right? So, that’s how a story is a sense making device.

So think about that. Think about your marketing. Are you using stories to attract new clients? And if you’re not, why not now? Here’s sort of an action item. Okay, you can go to, and this is 100% free. You can go to and create your own what we call a brand script and this brand script. If, if you go there, you’re going to see exactly sections for everything I just said, a character with a problem meets a guide, calls into action. That results in success and failure. You’re going to see all those pieces there. Now, this tool will really help you keep up with your brand story. So go to, create a free account and you can start to work the story framework into your marketing. Do it!

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