Execution Made Simple with StoryBrand Certified Guide Mitch Alverson
Happy Thursday, it’s Mitch. So we’re in the book business made simple. If you don’t have the book, go to Amazon and pick it up. It’s Donald Miller’s book business made simple. Uh, right now we’re in the last chapter. So congrats to those of you who have been hanging in there and going through this with me. Execution made simple in the last chapter, and today we’re talking about holding weekly speed checks and how this is a key thing in the execution made simple framework.
So we, you know, in our kickoff meeting that we talked about earlier this week, we set, you know, a clear vision of success in our launch meeting and then yesterday we talked about the one-pager in that one-page document that helps keep a-team and a person aligned as to what they’re supposed to be working on. And today we’re talking about holding weekly speed checks. The truth is that many, many projects die soon after they are launched and it happens really for two reasons.
So, people, people get distracted with other important tasks and you know just important stuff that they have to do and they forget the details and importance of this new thing. And so without a weekly you call it what you want: speed check, accountability, stand-up you know meeting things could easily get off track and you’re going to lose. You know the importance that you once had on this project right. So these speak speed check meetings.
Three Review Statements
You know there are three review statements, so the first one is: let’s let’s read the clear view of success statement for the given project. So we talked about that in the launch meeting. The clear: what’s the clear view of success? What does success look like when we’re done with this thing? So let’s go over that. The second one is: review the priorities of the team member’s department and then review the team members’ personal priorities. So where do we get those? We get those from the one-pager. Right. Then there are three questions, the three statements, and then three questions.
The three questions are:
- what has each team member gotten done? So very, very simple, very easy. What work did you get done?
- The second one is: what is each? What is each team member going to do next? So what’s next on the list?
- And then the third question is: what’s blocking any team members from making progress? So three statements, three questions in a weekly speed check meeting. So it’s critical right that we don’t miss these or skip these. They’re so important to keep us on track and so, as the leader, you know it’s on you to make sure this thing is a real priority. So make sure you get your weekly speed checks or whatever you want to call them scheduled and make sure you show up and that your people are showing up? All right. Make it a great day!
Sales Answer from Jeffrey Gitomer
Here is a sales answer from the little red Book of sales answers by Jeffrey Gitomer. How can I improve my writing skills? Part two: select a voice of author. Mine is authoritative. Use the power of authority in pronoun, first person, singular, second person, third-person use. Writers privilege writing in vernacular, not grammar, use incorrect syntax like ant and gone for grammar. Sometimes for me it’s right.
You speak. Research versus your knowledge, proof versus opinion. I use knowledge and opinion, use graphic and alliterative word choices like vomit in puce. Keep paragraphs short, use repeated themes, use major clue or think about this. Use bold and caps to make points and emphasize words. Grab me at the beginning. Start with a question or short statement. Give me meat in the middle. All meat make me smile, think or act at the end. End with impact. Big secret, read aloud when you eat it. How does it sound not? How does it read? Ask yourself this: where’s the impact? Where’s the meat? Where’s the point? Where’s the hook? Is it compelling? Will the reader want to read it at all? Will the reader think as a result of this writing? Will the reader act as a result of this writing, major clue? When is the last time you wrote an article in a publication that your customers and prospects read? The answer to that question is most likely never. Wouldn’t it be cool if you walked in on the sales call and saw the magazine you wrote in open to the page where your article appears on the desk of your probable?
Writing is a key differentiator. I’ve used it for 14 years. Writing will not just lead to differentiation. Writing is the credibility you need to create.
Hey guys, thanks for listening to the Daily Business podcast with Mitch Alverson. If you got time, please subscribe to the podcast and consider rating and reviewing the show. That way other people will find us. By the way, I really love to hear from you guys, so please email me at the letter b the number three advisors dot org with your feedback, our questions. Thanks again and we’ll see you tomorrow on the Daily Business podcast with Mitch Alverson
The next few episodes will be about execution. I promise if you put into practice the things you here over the next 4 or 5 episodes, you’ll get more done and have more successful projects. Here’s what we’re talking about:
Holding Launch Meetings 8/24/21 The one-pager 8/25/21 Weekly Speed Checks 8/26/21 Keep Score and Measure Success 8/27/21 Celebrate! 8/30/21
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