When clarifying your marketing message, define what can be won or lost if people don’t engage in the story you’re inviting them into.
StoryBrand Live Marketing Workshop Jul 19-20
Get the daily videos to go with each podcast episode here.
When clarifying your marketing message, define what can be won or lost if people don’t engage in the story you’re inviting them into.
StoryBrand Live Marketing Workshop Jul 19-20
Get the daily videos to go with each podcast episode here.
We all want to be liked, but when it comes to leading you need to be trusted and respected. There are three things leaders do to earn trust and respect. In this episode, I go…
Face it, we’re all in sales. So, you better know how to do it. Listen in for the few episodes where we dig into the Sales Made Simple framework AND get a daily Sales Answer…
The next few episodes will be about execution. I promise if you put into practice the things you here over the next 4 or 5 episodes, you’ll get more done and have more successful projects….
There is a free Business Made Simple giveaway at the end of the podcast. Are you calling your people, customers, parishioners, constituents to action? If not, they won’t take action and you’ll be wasting your…
Face it, we’re all in sales. So, you better know how to do it. Listen in for the few episodes where we dig into the Sales Made Simple framework AND get a daily Sales Answer…
Now that you have your mission statement, key characteristics, and critical actions, we need to tell the story well. Being able to tell a great story garners resources, people, and everything you need to move…